Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSDS) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Reflex Sympathetic dystrophy is also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Causalgia, Shoulder-hand Syndrome and Sudeck’s disease. RSDS is disease of the autonomic nervous system, affecting two or all extremities, shoulder, back, eyes and may spread from one part of the body to the other. RSDS is also a systemic
disease involving nerves, skin, muscles, blood vessels, tendons and bones. The incidence of RSDS is connected to trauma (compartments syndrome, fracture, injury with sharp forces et. al), heart problems, infection or surgery.
Symptoms: constant chronic burning pain (stabbing, sharp accompanying by tingling, pain area are hot or cold and very sensitive to touch), inflammation (skin appears shiny, dry, red and increase in sweating), spasms in blood vessels and muscle of the extremities (swelling, dystonia tremor and body fatigue), insomnia/emotional distress, movement disorders, increased muscle tone and reflex, bone changes (demineralization, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and joint stiffness) and general weakness, increased fibrous tissue formation.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a systemic drug having beneficial effect on all body systems affected with RSDS and especially in pain management for overall improved quality of life.