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Neurorehabilitation Program

Neurorehabilitation Program

Neurorehabilitation aims to aid recovery from a nervous system injuries, and to minimize and/or compensate for any functional alterations resulting from those. This include recovery from:

  • Stroke
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Concussion
  • Oxygen deprivation (anoxic injuries)

Neurological recovery from these injuries are often prolonged and tedious.  It involves slowly retraining neurons to accept the new state-of-mind and stimulating new neural connection to compensate for functional loss in injured areas of the brain.  

How it works?

Common among the neurological conditions is lack of oxygen due to impairment of circulation. Oxygen deprivation leads to swelling, inflammation, and cell death. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy supplies large amounts of oxygen (up to 20 times) to areas with compromised circulation to stop the damage, initiate repair, and preserve the viability of healthy brain tissue. Oxygen also aids in nerve regeneration by promoting the growth and differentiation of neural stem cells. Lost function is regained through formation of new connections among the newly-differentiated and surviving nerve cells. In addition to functional recovery, hyperbaric oxygenation also creates more resilient nerve cells and protects against re-occurrence of disabling clinical events such as stroke. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy plays a major role in neuro-rehabilitation and can help restore motor, sensory, and cognitive function even if the injury was sustained months or years ago.

Stimulation - stimulation - stimulation


An intensive rehabilitation program designed to stimulate and speed up recovery through the use of:

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Kinesiotherapy
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Deep tissue oxygen massage

Further reading:
  1. Names et al.Title Publication

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Proudly serving Metro Vancouver and British Columbians with hyperbaric oxygen services and wound care since 1999

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7850 Sixth Street - Burnaby V3N 3N3 - British Columbia - Vancouver - CANADA - Ph: 604-777-7055

 Information contained on this site is intended for general consumer understanding and education. It should not be used as a substitute for any medical professional opinion, advice or prescribed medication nor should it serve as diagnosis or treatment of health problems.