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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy ....

Further reading:
  1. Sen, V., Sahin, M. O., Irer, B., Koc, E., & Yildiz, G. (2020). The impact of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on erectile functions and serum testosterone levels in patients with erectile dysfunction. The Aging Male, 23(1), 66-70.
  2. Sahin, M. O., Sen, V., Eser, E., Koc, E., Gumus, U., Karakuzu, C., & Ucer, O. (2018). The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on erectile functions: A prospective clinical studyUrologia internationalis101(2), 206-211.
  3. Hadanny, A., Lang, E., Copel, L., Meir, O., Bechor, Y., Fishlev, G., ... & Efrati, S. (2018). Hyperbaric oxygen can induce angiogenesis and recover erectile function. International journal of impotence research, 30(6), 292-299.
  4. Yuan, J. B., Yang, L. Y., Wang, Y. H., Ding, T., Chen, T. D., & Lu, Q. (2011). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for recovery of erectile function after posterior urethral reconstruction. International urology and nephrology, 43(3), 755-761.
  5. Cormier, J., & Theriot, M. (2016). Patient diagnosed with chronic erectile dysfunction refractory to PDE 5 Inhibitor therapy reports improvement in function after hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine: Journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 43(4), 463-465.

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