General Health:
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a natural way of maintaining general health and well-being as it promotes the release of stem cells from the bone marrow. This increase in the stem cell concentration in the body ensures healing and rejuvenation of organs and repair of bone, vascular and nervous tissue. This mechanism is also responsible for the shortened recovery time after surgery, injury or strenuous exercise.
Research shows that many illnesses connected with aging can be avoided or slowed down through optimal cell health. Studies show that oxygen levels in arterial blood in a 70 year old are 20% lower than in a 30-50 year old. Chronic lack of oxygen can cause progressive nerve cell death (seen in Alzheimer’s Disease).
Dr. Paul Harch, in his book entitled “The Oxygen Revolution” argues that hyperbaric oxygen therapy will likely become the fountain of youth by the baby boomer generation whose life has been compromised by years of drug experimentation in the 1960s and 1970s. Dr. Harch says, “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy will be able to restore waning brain function and prevent premature dementia”.
Adding extra oxygen fights chronic conditions, especially inflammation and is very important in improving brain circulation and brain activity. On a longer scale, hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides neuroprotection by stimulating oxidative cerebral energy metabolism.