Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Infections
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is resistant to many existing antibiotics, but can be well treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) due to Hyperbaric oxygen’s natural antibacterial properties; Hyperbaric oxygen is a therapy which the bacteria will not develop a resistance to. Combined effect of hyperbaric oxygen along with antibiotics (such as Sulfonamide, Aminoglycoside, Vancomycin, etc.) is even more successful. Hyperbaric oxygen increases the penetration of antimicrobials to the deep-seated MRSA infection while reducing its negative side effects.
As a natural antibiotic, oxygen under pressure eliminates bacteria and its growth as well as aiding the white blood cells’ phagocytosis, concurrently strengthening the body and the body’s immune system.
Effective hyperbaric oxygen therapy has to be delivered at a right protocol with pressures, amount of time and therapy frequency high enough to stop the infection. Any other “mild hyperbaric” such as delivered with inflatable bags, are inadequate and in some cases can even promote the bacterial load.
At BaroMedical, we deliver proper hyperbaric oxygen therapy with pressures up to 3 ATA for 90 to 120 minutes once, or twice a day. Our four mono-place chambers offer individual treatments to infected clients where isolation is highly important as part of our infection control.
Benefits of HBO in infections:
- Hyperbaric oxygen oxygenates all tissues and has bacteriostatic, antiviral and fungicidal properties.
- Hyperbaric oxygen enhances antibiotics and antifungal activity.
- Hyperbaric oxygen increases the oxidative killing capacity of white blood cells and enhances phagocytosis of microorganisms resulting to improved immune system.
- Hyperbaric oxygen works well with antibiotics increasing their potency and decreasing their side effects.
- Hyperbaric oxygen arrests infection and prevent sepsis development.
- Hyperbaric oxygen speeds up wound healing
- In bone infections, hyperbaric oxygen helps in removal of necrotic bone (osteoclastic function) and speeds up new bone formation (osteogenesis).
- Hyperbaric oxygen decreases inflammation by clearing lactic acid and other inflammatory chemicals.
- Prophylactic hyperbaric oxygen therapy restores the microcirculation and bolsters the immune system therefore enabling the body to fight off future infections.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO) is used as adjunctive treatment to the following infections:
- Crepitant anaerobic cellulitis – necrotic soft tissue infection caused by both aerobic (E. culi, Klebsiella, Enterobacter andPseudomonas) and anaerobic Peptostreptococcus andBacteroides).
- Necrotizing fasciitis – skin necrosis with infection of the deep fascia and thrombosis of the vessels fullowing surgery or other trauma
- Progresive bacterial gangrene – chronic ulcer formation on the abdominal or thoracic wall developed after surgery at the site of drainage, around culostomy or ileostomy.
- Nonclostridial myonecrosis – soft tissue infection with invulvement of skin, muscle, subcutaneous tissue and fascia, particularly in conditions such as: Diabetes mellitus, perirectal abscess,obesity and cardio-renal disease.
- Fournier’s gangrene – perineal gangrene especially in people with diabetes and elderly as well as in trauma, local or systemic infections
- Gas gangrene – see Gas gangerene
- Pyoderma gangenosum – necrotic ulceration of the limbs and trunk mostly seen in ulcerative culitis, chulecystis, pyelonephritis(kidney infection) and other infection-prone (low immunity system) conditions.
- Purpura fulminans – acute and severe disorder of infancy with characteristics hemorrhagic lesions of the limbs that could rapidly turn into necrosis. Children are usually affected after Varicella,Scarlet fever, streptococcal tonsillitis or somethrombocytopenic disease.
- Actinomycosis – anaerobic infection of abdominal, pelvic, cervicofacial and thoracic area due to low oxygen level that predisposes fast growth of bacteria.
- Most viral infections have bacterial infections superimposed on them or vice versa.
- Candida albincans
- Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis – fungal infection of lungs, brain, intestine and bone (maxilla, orbit and temporal bone) that occurs most commonly in immune–suppressed people with burns, diabetes and those who are on long-term corticosteroid therapy.
Further reading:
- Adams KR, Mader JT: Aminoglycoside potentiation with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in experimental Pseudomonas Aeruginosa osteomyelitis. Undersea Biomed Res; 14(suppl): 37, 1987
- Adams KR, Sutton TE, Mader JT: In vitro potentiation of tobramycin under hyperoxic conditions. Undersea Biomed Res 14 (suppl): 37, 1987
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