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Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Many medical conditions affect the network of arteries and veins that carry blood to and from the body’s tissue. Such damage is generally referred to as peripheral vascular disease (PVD).

Compromised peripheral blood supply leads to tissue ischemia (lack of circulation) and tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen). As the result of those effects, there is a change in microcirculation and occurrence of edema (swelling). Edema further compresses capillaries and aggravates ischemia and loss of sensitivity (neuropathy).

Warning signs of peripheral vascular disease are pain, swelling, skin discoloration, itching and decreased hair. Frequent cold hands and feet, as well as dry flaky skin are usual signs of poor circulation. In such cases little cuts or wounds may not be able to heal in a “normal” period and may turn into “chronic”, frequently complicated with infections and finally to the gangrene of the limb. If left untreated, gangrene progresses and the amputation of extremity (partial or complete) are unavoidable.  See case reports on peripheral vascular disease ulcers below.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is effective in correcting ischemia and hypoxia caused by peripheral vascular disease, promoting microcirculation, reducing swelling and inflammation and directly fighting infection to speed up wound healing.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is effective in correcting ischemia and hypoxia caused by PVD, promoting microcirculation, reducing swelling and inflammation and directly fighting infection to speed up wound healing.

Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Peripheral Vascular Disease:

  • improves tissue oxygenation and elimination of toxic substances, that have accumulated due to poor circulation and hypoxia
  • relieves pain
  • reduces swelling and inflammation
  • improves sensitivity and reduces numbness
  • triggers new capillary formation for improved local circulation and blood supply
  • improves quality of blood and prevents blood clotting and chances of thrombosis
  • enhances immune system response and increases the effect of antibiotics
  • prevents/reduces infection rate
  • reduces incidence of ulcer development


When wounds develop, Hyperbaric Oxygen is beneficial to:

  • stop further tissue damage
  • provide optimal oxygen environment for all phases of wound healing
  • promote new tissue growth and fast wound closure
  • prevent excessive scar formation (caused by slow healing)
  • prepare a host for skin grafting and increase chances of graft survival
  • prevent/stop infection

Treatment protocol for hyperbaric oxygen therapy:

Medical hyperbaric oxygen sessions are two hours long at depth of 2.4 to 2.8 ATA of pure oxygen pressure.  At BaroMedical, hyperbaric oxygen sessions are given in mono-place chambers for better monitoring, comfort and safety.  Number of hyperbaric oxygen sessions needed depend on the severity of the condition and can be determined upon the assessment of the microcirculation.  At BaroMedical, the screening of the clients and the progress of the therapy are monitored with most advanced equipment: Laser Doppler blood flow, tissue oxygen monitor and digital camera. 


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DiabetesPeripheral vascular disease, Cardio vascular disease

Joan N, Coquitlam BC

"... Since my 'baric-boost' I'm feeling great! It's very re-assuring to know I can go back for one or more sessions! Many Thanks to All!"

Proudly serving Metro Vancouver and British Columbians with hyperbaric oxygen services and wound care since 1999

© 1999- BaroMedical Research Centre, Inc. All Rights Reserved

7850 Sixth Street - Burnaby V3N 3N3 - British Columbia - Vancouver - CANADA - Ph: 604-777-7055

 Information contained on this site is intended for general consumer understanding and education. It should not be used as a substitute for any medical professional opinion, advice or prescribed medication nor should it serve as diagnosis or treatment of health problems.