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Other facilities

Official Canadian hyperbaric oxygen therapy facilities

Contact list of official Canadian hyperbaric treatment centres

British Columbia
Vancouver Hospital and Health Science Centre 604 875-4111604 875-4033
Esquimalt, Victoria (Military Fleet Diving Unit) 250 363-4976250 363-4979
Edmonton Misericordia Community Hospital 780 930-5537
Calgary Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Clinic 403 509-4740
Moose Jaw Firefighters Hyperbaric Unit 306 694-0-314
Winnipeg Canadian Forces School or Aero-Medical Training 204 833-2500
Tobermory Hyperbaric Unit 519 596-2305519 596-2306
Hamilton Health Sciences CorporationGeneral Hospitl Campus 905 527-4322905 527-0271
Toronto Diving Medicine EmergenciesToronto General Hospital

Defence R&D Canada

416 340-3155       x:4131416 340-3155       x:4450

pager             416 246-3155

Ottawa Hospital 613 737-8966
Montréal Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur 514 338-2000514 338-2777
Nova Scotia
Halifax Canadian Forces HospitalVicrotia General Hospital 902 427-8700902 428-2220
Shearwater Fleet Diving Unit 902 460-1355
St. John’s General Hospital CorporationHealth Science Centre 709 737-6300709 737-7087

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Proudly serving Metro Vancouver and British Columbians with hyperbaric oxygen services and wound care since 1999

© 1999- BaroMedical Research Centre, Inc. All Rights Reserved

7850 Sixth Street - Burnaby V3N 3N3 - British Columbia - Vancouver - CANADA - Ph: 604-777-7055

 Information contained on this site is intended for general consumer understanding and education. It should not be used as a substitute for any medical professional opinion, advice or prescribed medication nor should it serve as diagnosis or treatment of health problems.